Planning the perfect potluck and Red Velvet Recipe

Everyone loves a potluck. Potlucks are synonomous with drinking wine, hanging out with friends and a judgement free zone for stuffing your face. Naturally, as we get older and gravitate away from costume themed keggers and day drinking, we need to find a way to indulge on the weekends that isn’t so juvenile (joking, I am counting the days down till homecoming).


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This year we decided to celebrate my lovely roommate Deanna’s birthday potluck style  – HAPPY 22nd DEEBEE! We noticed a few things:

1) EVERYONE BRINGS GOAT CHEESE DISHES, classic girl move, anticipate 4-6 over the expected quota.

2) People confused the invites “bring something homemade” food suggestion as a gift suggestion, but she got some adorable Mason jar crafts so that was alright.

3) Eyes are bigger than stomachs


I made the birthday cake for this lovely little gathering and it was met with a very positive review (mind you half the people were drunk, but I ate it again the next day for breakfast and I still think it’s the best red velvet I’ve ever had).

The recipe is a bit different from others, it uses sour cream and milk instead of buttermilk, which is why it is SO moist!
Try it for any upcoming holiday or just because you’re stressed with midterms coming up and want to carbload.

*Recipe makes 1 three layer cake (9 inch cake pans)


– 2 1/2 cups flour

– 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

– 1/2 teaspoon salt

– 1 teaspoon baking soda

– 1 cup butter, softened

– 2 cups sugar

– 4 eggs

– 1 cup sour cream

– 1/2 cup 2% milk

– 1 WHOLE bottle red food colouring (maybe a bit more for deeper red colour)

– 3 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

*This can be cut in half for light icing, but I reaaaaally think it tastes better with a lot in between each layer so I use these proportions

– 2- 8 ounce packages of cream cheese (I use a greek yoghurt one, tastes great!)

– 1/2 cup butter, softened

– 1/3 cup sour cream

– 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

– 1 1/2 16 ounce bags of confectioners sugar


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt in medium bowl. 
  2. In another bowl, beat butter and sugar with electric mixer for 2 minutes or until light and fluffy (TASTE IT! YUMM). Beat in eggs, one at a time. Mix in sour cream, milk, food colour and vanilla. Gradually beat in flour mixture on low speed until just blended.  Pour batter into three cake pans (9inch) or you can do one at a time- just guestimate batter proportions.
  3. Bake 25-30 minutes or until toothpick inserted into cake comes out clean. Cool in pans on wire rack 5 minutes. Remove from pans; cool completely. Frost.
  4. Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting: Beat cream cheese, softened, butter, sour cream and vanilla extract in large bowl until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in confectioners’ sugar until smooth.

Happy Eating!
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