Monochrome Movement

Black and white fashion is the basis of street style. Blogs, Tumblrs and coverage of fashion week show a distinct focus on monochromatic schemes. It’s easy to wear, contemporary style that is kind of badass.

Take a peek:

Source: Tumblr

Source: Instagram – Vydia

Source: Tumblr


Source: Tumblr

Source: Tumblr

It’s easy to incorporate this trend into your style profile, try reworking a staple tee-shirt with edgy accessories.

This is my take:

L-R: Socks- Urban Outfitters, Boots- BCBG, Lipstick - MAC Media, Skirt- H&M, Glasses - ALDO, Wallet- N/A, Shirt- Zara

L-R:  Socks, Urban Outfitters | Boots- BCBG | Lipstick – MAC Media | Skirt- H&M | Glasses – ALDO | Wallet- N/A | Shirt- Zara

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This trend is great to rock in the city. Try it for a night out or TO A BRAND NEW RESTAURANT OPENING!

I’ll be checking out WILBUR MEXICANA opening this week at King and Brant (so YES, I’m not posting a picture of me in this outfit because it’s too hot out today- like what is this weather? It’s basically October. BUT I’ll be wearing this to Wilbur.)

 Hope your Monday’s not sucking too much!

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